Katie Palmiter Design

Welcome to my portfolio! If you are looking for an enthusiastic instructional designer look no further. I thoroughly enjoy every aspect of designing and developing a course that will ultimately improve learner's knowledge and skills. I use my understanding of adult learning theory, ADDIE and SAM to create learner- centered courses using a variety of modalities. In addition, I value teamwork and have always loved working with others. I believe that being able to communicate effectively with subject matter experts, (SMEs), and stakeholders is an essential skill needed in creating high quality training materials. Finally, I am an extremely hard worker who is flexible, creative, and open to constructive feedback. 

Please feel free to browse as many samples of my work as you would like. If you have any questions or suggestions please don't hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your time and consideration

To view my different samples click on the thumbnails below or go up to the top right hand side of the website and click Portfolio. 


Instructional Design 

